Monday, August 18, 2014

Special Occasions and the Celtics!

This week we had a bunch of special occasions. We were able to go to the temple twice this week which was amazing. The first time we went with the youth to do baptisms for the dead. The second time we went to go through the temple with the Conklins. They were baptized a year ago and went through the temple for the first time on Saturday. They were also sealed on Saturday. It was the first time I have ever been to a sealing and wow, it was incredible. What an amazing opportunity we have to be sealed with our families for time and all eternity. Afterwards, Brother Conklin said that it was the best day of his life. So exciting!!! The Conklins are so awesome. They are such a great example to me.

We had some other cool things going on this week. On Thursday, we went down to the Celtics Practice Facility! YEAH! TOO COOL. Life dream come true. There are some sister missionaries in our mission who are in charge of what is called the Portable Visitor's Center. They go around the mission to special events and have a bunch of displays set up with iPads that show videos on different subjects of the gospel. So, they asked if they could interview Elder Calvert (who plays basketball for BYU) and take some film of him playing ball. Brother Ainge hooked us up and let us do it in the Celtics facility! It was pretty sweet! They asked Elder Calvert about his life with basketball and also about the Word of Wisdom and how it has been a blessing in his life. It was pretty darn fun. They said they are using it for one of the displays. I helped the Sisters with the filming and will also edit the video. We also got some film of us shooting around together. It was a cool opportunity and I’m glad I was able to help! 

Elder Calvert and I had a really good week as far as the work goes as well. We had a lot of things going on outside of our normal proselyting this week, but we still managed to have some good experiences. I think the most exciting thing is the change in Frank Tower. He has allowed the gospel and Atonement of Jesus Christ to transform him. I am a witness of what the gospel can do when people fully immerse themselves in it. It changes lives and changes hearts. I am so grateful for the gospel and for the Savior. Each of us has an opportunity to change because of Him. 

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