Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Power and Blessings of Being Obedient

The power and blessings of being obedient to God’s commandments are unfathomable. This previous week the Bishop of my home ward sent me a scripture from Helaman 3:35 in The Book of Mormon.
“Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling of their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.”
When I read this scripture the “….fast and pray oft…” part instantly stood out to me. I realized I have only fasted on Fast Sundays. I have never done it on a different day. I realized this at 10 pm last Saturday night, and I tried to justify it was too late to start, but the Holy Ghost testified to me so distinctly that I would be blessed by the hand of God if I starting fasting right then.
The next day, Sunday, at church a man and his son walked in around 15 minutes before sacrament meeting began. The man had not been to church since he was baptized when he was 17 in Honduras. He had a 10 year old son, and wanted him to join the church. As Elder Wright and I were thanking the Lord for this miracle, we both noticed a family that came in and sat in the back right as sacrament meeting started. Naturally, after the meeting ended we pounced! The mother of the family was baptized at age 15 but went inactive and hadn’t been back to church since then. Both the mother and father wanted to start raising their family in the church. They had 3 children, ages 7, 5, and 1. I talked to the Father and we had a phenomenal conversation and he told me that he wants to join the church. Both families said they felt like that Sunday was the day for them to come to church.
The Saturday night before at 10 pm, I began my fast by asking that Elder Wright and I would be able to help families and their posterities flourish in the gospel.  As I prayed, my intention was for the members of the ward, since we have been working with them, but God often has different plans. Elder Wright and I cannot thank the Lord enough for trusting us with these families.
As we are obedient to promptings from the Holy Ghost we will see miracles unfold in our lives. Obedience brings blessings -- exact obedience brings miracles. I know the hand of God is in our lives, because there are always miracles occurring. We need to do our part to be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Ghost, and act in faith, and miracles will happen.
With Love,
Elder Tait.

2 Years. Make it Count.

Bunker Hill Memorial

Memorial Day BBQ

Memorial Day BBQ
"Well, look at this - How convenient!!"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Families Are Forever

In Alma 26, Ammon is talking to the Sons of Mosiah about their success with the Lamanties. Aaron, one of the Sons of Mosiah, rebukes Ammon as he is talking about their success and says “Ammon, I fear that thy joy doth carry thee away unto boasting.” Then in Alma 26:12 Ammon replies to Aaron:
“Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.” 

The adversary will never cease to assault the people of these latter days. Elder Holland, in his General Conference talk Safety for the Soul, talks about how everyone is in danger:

 “The Savior warned that in the last days even those of the covenant, the very elect, could be deceived by the enemy of truth.”

The enemy of truth is around us. Whether or not we want to acknowledge it, the enemy of truth is around us. Even the “elect” are at risk of being deceived by the endless buffetings of the adversary. I quote Elder Holland to show how strong the enemy of truth can be. My intention is not to make everyone fearful, but to remind us how much greater the strength and glory of the Lord is.

I bear my testimony, just as Ammon, that I am weak. I am weak. I do not say this because of low-self esteem or self pity, but because I know the Lord gives me strength. I bear witness to everyone that in moments of weakness, the Lord will give you strength. I have been able to feel the Lord giving me strength. I can never take credit for anyone’s spiritual progression. The Lord has given me the opportunity to be his instrument, so He, the Lord, and his son Jesus Christ, will be able to help people with their spiritual progression.  Again, just like Ammon, “I will boast of my God” because of how he has brought miracles to the people of Boston, and to the world.  The only time I will be strong in my life is when the Lord has strengthened me.

I know this to be the true Church. I know. I know this church is true. Families are forever. I know that I will be able to be with my family forever. I know everyone has this opportunity, as long as we follow God’s commandments. I know Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God, and I know that knowledge will only get stronger. The Book of Mormon is true and has been prepared for us to help us know how to live a happy life forever. I know The Book of Mormon is true. The Priesthood has been restored to this earth. I cannot wait for the time I can have a family and a gospel centered home. To have a wife, who will make me a better person, and a family and home that radiates the truths of the gospel, such as eternal families, The Book of Mormon, and the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know this is the last thing I need to think about right now, but thinking about it brings me joy  - and then as I see a mother and father on the streets of Revere, I instantly know what we need to do.

 2 Years. Make it count.

Elder Tait.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Yesterday Was Great!

Yesterday was great! I loved talking to you guys so much. It really inspired me to work harder. I was surprised because I thought I would have some feelings of homesickness, but none have occurred so far.
Like I told you yesterday, we have been teaching numerous people. Elder Wright and I look forward to the weeks to come.  We have been able to bond really well with the members here. This young couple, the S’s, are awesome! They both served missions, and Brother S served English speaking in San Jose, (Elder Rich!). It was excellent to talk to them about member missionary work.  When we have encouraging interactions and discussions with members who are eager to do missionary work, it really does make us more determined to work. I encourage all to read the book by Clayton C. Christensen, How to Become a Member Missionary. (Brother Christensen is a professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is currently serving as a counselor in the Boston Mission Presidency.) Clayton Christensen is such an inspiring man to me. As brilliant as he is, the real reason I look up to him so much is because I know he values the spiritual things in life greater than his secular education. He is truly a man who determines his decisions in life by his faith in God and Jesus Christ. As I read his book and his articles, I can feel the strength of his testimony on the pages. I look forward to meeting him.
Well, I am sorry my letter is short, but I can’t wait to hear from you next week. 
Elder Tait
2 Years. Make it count.
We had a wonderful visit with Jackson on Mother's Day!  He looked and sounded so good!
What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! 

Tait Family Picture!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Photo Gallery of Elder Tait from May 2013

A Baptism and Friends from Amherst:

A Trip to the NBA Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts!

A Visit to Fenway Park!

Fenway with Elders Campos and Pitcher

My New Companion, Elder Wright

Monday, May 6, 2013

It Has All the Answers to Life's Questions

 Sac passe fanmi!

Kouman ou ye? Mwen konnen yon kek Haitian creole. Here in Boston there is an extensive population of Haitians. We have Elders here in the Haitian Creole program that specifically teach and proselyte to the Haitian population. Elder Wright and I have been able to pick up a few Haitian Creole terms to get us around. You know, just making buddies with our Haitian friends! I don’t know what my mission would be without my Haitian friends. I just love my Haitian friends.

This week has been just sensational! Yesterday at church we were meeting in the serving area for ward correlation. Halfway through the meeting I looked through the door’s window and I see my main man who was my friend in Provo, and who is from Boston,  and who is someone extraordinary -- Carlos! He was just standing outside the door with the biggest grin on his face. I was not expecting that at all. After the meeting ended, I walked out into the hallway and tackled him to the floor. It was great to be able to see him. When we were talking I found out he is going to Brazil! You go get them Carlos! Make it happen Carlos! Regardless of how well you did when we played basketball at Vivint (where Jack used to work) -- you will baptize the whole country!

Then, today we toured Fenway Park with our district. How neat is that? It was pretty neat.  Anyway, Elder Wright and I are grooving just like peanut butter and jelly. Macaroni and cheese.  Waffles and syrup. We are just two missionaries and we are having a good time….teaching the gospel. In all seriousness, we both strive our hardest to be obedient to the rules, even when we don’t see their purpose, we have both recognized the blessings that come from it. We have the Spanish Elders in our apartment, Elder Pitcher and Elder Campos, and it is hilarious. Elder Campos is still learning English and we could tell he is still learning English when he hit his ankle on the desk and said “OHHH MAN, my uncle, my uncle, it hurts, my uncle hurts.” We are just four missionaries having a good time.

I was able to read the e-mail from Sister Egbert about when she read my e-mail about our Boston bombing experience at a baptism. Sister Egbert at the end of her testimony brings up a remarkable point that everything Jesus Christ asks us to do only betters us. Because we don’t accept the desires of men in today’s world, we are looked on as a peculiar people, as it says in 2 Peter 9:1--
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

At moments I am sure we have all struggled with following the commandments of God. We are often judged as a peculiar people for being obedient to commandments that appear to the outside world as unbeneficial. But tell me this - what harm will come to a family if they meet together every Monday night? What harm will come to people if they don’t partake of alcoholic beverages, coffee, or drugs? What harm will come to a person who is asked to read The Book of Mormon and then pray to know if it is the word of God? I will tell you -- there is absolutely no harm. Sure, some will say, “it is a waste of time,” or “you are missing out in life,” but has there been any harm done? For all who view the commandments as “rules” I beg you to look closer to find their true divine purpose. God has promised us blessings that can only be received if we are obedient. I know this to be true. I know this church is true. This is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It has all the answers to life’s questions. I know this.

Elder Tait

2 Years. Make it count.