Thursday, April 25, 2013

It Was Either a Small Bear or Large Dog Chasing Us.....

Well now….it has been an interesting week. To start with, the elders and I are safe and doing fine. We had one day during the week that we were not permitted to proselyte, because of the second suspect, “armed and dangerous,” who was still on the loose. But, because of the bombings, people have been more suspicious of what’s going on outside their homes and around their areas. And if anything appears to be “dangerous” they get defensive. For example, Elder Campbell and I are trying to find less-actives on our ward list, which has not been properly updated for about 20 years now. 

We approached one member’s house who supposedly goes by the name of “Billie.” Well, I can tell you this right now, “Billie” was not too keen on our being at his door. We approached the door, and gave an ever so friendly knock, as we always do. We both watched as our good friend “Billie” opened the door, then instantly became alarmed, said something about the FBI, and then ran into the other room leaving the door open. Elder Campbell and I both looked at each other confused. Two seconds later “Billie” released his quite large watch dog on us to properly tell us he didn't want us there. Elder Campbell and I both made a wild sprint to our car, with what was either a small bear or large dog chasing us. Well, we are both safe and the good news is we got some exercise. I believe we really touched “Billie”, and I do believe he is going to start coming back to church. But on the other hand, it might be better if some people don’t open their doors to us.

Again, we are trying to narrow down our ward member list, so we attempted to  visit a “Gail G.”. We approach this beautiful house and knock on the door. After almost being lunch for Billie’s grizzly bear we were ready to sprint out of there. Then a man who goes by the name of “Smokey” answers the door. He comes outside and we sit on the benches outside the house. Sister G. still lives there but was not there at the time, but Smokey was at the house and was an acquaintance of Sister G.'s. Now we have been talking to Smokey for about 45 seconds when Smokey does something that helps me figure out where he got his nickname. As we are talking to him, he pulls out a full bag of marijuana, rolls it up, and then begins to “enjoy” his drug by smoking it. He was polite and asked us if we wanted “a hit.” Unfortunately, we had to politely decline his generous offer (Doctrine and Covenants Section 89 anyone?). We were able to talk to him for 30 minutes. Smokey is a brilliant man, and he knows that Sister G. is a member, but she never goes into too much detail about it with him. However, he was able to tell us about the time he ambushed and stabbed a moose. Elder Campbell will go back and visit Smokey again and try to find Sister G., but unfortunately I will not, because of other news I have.

I am already getting transferred to a new area. Tomorrow I leave Amherst, Massachusetts for Newport, Rhode Island! When we received the information that I was being transferred my district as a whole was shocked. Elder Campbell has been in Amherst for 7 ½ months. We all thought he was easily going to be transferred, but obviously the Lord has different plans for all of us. I have been here in Amherst for only 3 months and I do wish I could have had more time here. I felt like I was becoming more integrated with the area and the ward, but like I said before, it is all for a reason and a purpose. I will miss Amherst terribly – things like “Billie” releasing his grizzly bear on us, or when we tried to find Bruce Wayne, or even when a Jevohah’s Witness at the soup kitchen threatened to cut off my knees. You can’t replace those memories. I have heard from everyone I have talked to that Newport, Rhode Island is a most excellent place. I guess there are mansions there that people owned way back in the 18th or 19th century, and now they are all tour houses. It is LITERALLY on the eastern coast, and I guess our apartment is really close to the beach, something like ½ mile away, which in retrospect doesn’t mean squat-diddly to a missionary. I was also told the Great Gatsby was filmed there. My information is not that valid. This is just what I have heard from ward members, but I am still excited for Newport.

Elder Hanberg and I went on exchanges this week, and it was one wild rodeo! YIPPEE KAY AYE. I can’t express how much I respect Elder Hanberg.  The day exchange was phenomenal. He was able to help me with his 16 months of experience. Elder Hanberg is truly a humble servant of the Lord who is the perfect balance of fun and spiritual. He is the Springfield Ward hero, because of the story about when he kicked a possum. We visited a mentally ill man in the psychiatric hospital whose name is David. David remembers when he was younger going to the LDS church with his buddy, and he always loved going. David is having some struggles in his life, but he can get help for his mental illness. He decided he needed to start trying to find God and called the church, and we have been going over there and teaching him. David said after the first lesson that he wants to be baptized. It will probably be at least 2 years until that happens due to the complexities of his illness but it is still remarkable to see the hope the gospel of Jesus Christ can provide. David still made some incongruous, or out of place remarks. He told us he knows where all the sharp items are. It was comforting to know that.

Anyway, I have a message today about the calamities and times in which we are living. In the past few months, the Massachusetts Boston Mission region has been through a number of unfortunate events. Just look at what has happened. Hurricane Sandy. The Newtown Shootings. Superstorm Nemo. The Boston Bombings. All these events have taken over 300 innocent lives. 300! These attacks and calamities are causing America, the country of freedom, to cringe, and be fearful. Now, how does that make sense? We, as a country, are having our freedoms challenged due to the radical and sick minds of those who strive to destroy us. With the Newtown shootings, the man behind that atrocious plot had an objective to be recognized, and, through his sick thought processes, the way to do that was by taking the lives of innocent children. I bear testimony to everyone that these are the last days. Our mission boundaries are about a 150 mile radius. What about the rest of the world? Imagine the malicious acts occurring in the world that we don’t see or know about. I know I have only seen a minuscule amount of the world’s turmoil, but I stand as a witness that we will never fail if we are faithful to God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For those who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the time is now to protect our freedoms and prepare ourselves spiritually for the battle against the adversary. The calamities of this world will not cease. They will only continue to get worse. We, as a whole, need to strengthen each other. Bear your testimony often. The strongest thing we have to defeat Satan is our testimony, if it is born with real intent and true faith. I know God lives. I know he lives. 2 years. Make it count.

(PS. Madeline Foutz! You go get them tiger! Argentina has no idea what’s about to hit it. The spiritual thunder of Madeline Foutz is about to cause a real storm! Crazy - the girl and I were in the same first grade class!)

The Boston Temple

People  of Amherst:

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