To those who it may concern: I have rather pleasant news! Tomorrow is the beginning of a new transfer. This last Saturday the missionaries were informed of who was being transferred, and who would still be residing in their current areas. Elder Wright and I were absolutely jovial when it was indicated that we would be kept together in Revere for one more transfer. But, we were more jovial when we found out who was being transferred to the Lynn Spanish Branch. The elders who serve in that branch live with us. Currently Elders Pitcher and Shim are serving there, but Elder Pitcher will go home mid-transfer, so there will need to be a threesome for a short time. We are informed about transfers via text message. So, the missionaries crowded around a 2x2 inch screen on “T-Text Night,” to see what was in store for us next. We anxiously waited to see who would be our new roommate. When the text message appeared informing us that Elder Campos would be our new roommate for at least 6 more weeks, Elder Wright and I instantly looked at each other with smiles on our faces! Elder Campos left us one transfer ago and now he is coming back! We could not stop laughing. Elder Campos texted us immediately, and I quote, “Dudes! I coming back! I come back and say to that them, Hello my name is Elder Campos and welcome back. Dudes yous guys so crazy. I love you guys.”
As I try to type this email my mind just draws a blank. I’ve concluded the reason for this has to do with something that happened this week. We tracted out a man named J. – a great guy who has, without a doubt, been through monumental trials in his life. His body developed a serious infection that caused him to have both legs and half of his right arm amputated, as well as deformed his fingers on his left hand. Needless to say, J. has had it rough. We looked forward to teaching J. about the comfort the gospel brings. Well, that unfortunately did not happen. We entered his apartment and started talking to him, then realized in no less than 1 minute that J. was “not all there.” This was due to the fact that he was taking powerful legal drugs for his physical condition, as well as a combination of illegal drugs, causing J. to talk for 45 continuous minutes about his theory that the “illuminati” and the “Sand-man” have joined together and are after us. He also told his life story about how he met the Hulk through Facebook, but then found out he was really the Sand-man, which then launched his rap career. This was all while he was exhaling his stimulating drug directly into our nasal cavities. I had the pleasure of sitting next to him, while the other Elders were a good 10-feet away. It was difficult to excuse ourselves, and say we’d come another time when he wasn’t so stimulated, but we were eventually able to depart his apartment. Hopefully, we will be able to rendezvous with him again in a cleaner environment.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ has allowed all men to redeem themselves. But we often overlook and not discuss what else the Atonement provides for us, which is the enabling power to endure challenges. As we grow in the church, we eventually come to the realization that our Heavenly Father will not just take away our trials. In 1 Nephi 3:7, it talks about how the Lord gives us no commandment or trial without also having a way for us to be obedient or faithful. So, how does the Lord prepare a way for us? Through his Son, Jesus Christ and his Atonement, he has prepared the opportunity for us to come to Him in humble prayer and ask Him, who loves us, for the strength to endure. It is comforting to me to realize that Jesus Christ had the strength to endure, and as I ask my Father in Heaven for strength, I am abundantly strengthened in knowing Jesus Christ understands and knows about enduring to the end. Needless to say, we still need to be obedient, faithful, and humble to receive this strength.
I know as we all strive to endure we will become consecrated missionaries and be able to give everything we have to our Heavenly Father – taking nothing -- and set ourselves free.
Elder Tait.
2 Years. Make it count.
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