In Alma 26, Ammon is talking to the Sons of Mosiah about their success with the Lamanties. Aaron, one of the Sons of Mosiah, rebukes Ammon as he is talking about their success and says “Ammon, I fear that thy joy doth carry thee away unto boasting.” Then in Alma 26:12 Ammon replies to Aaron:
“Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.”
The adversary will never cease to assault the people of these latter days. Elder Holland, in his General Conference talk Safety for the Soul, talks about how everyone is in danger:
“The Savior warned that in the last days even those of the covenant, the very elect, could be deceived by the enemy of truth.”
The enemy of truth is around us. Whether or not we want to acknowledge it, the enemy of truth is around us. Even the “elect” are at risk of being deceived by the endless buffetings of the adversary. I quote Elder Holland to show how strong the enemy of truth can be. My intention is not to make everyone fearful, but to remind us how much greater the strength and glory of the Lord is.
I bear my testimony, just as Ammon, that I am weak. I am weak. I do not say this because of low-self esteem or self pity, but because I know the Lord gives me strength. I bear witness to everyone that in moments of weakness, the Lord will give you strength. I have been able to feel the Lord giving me strength. I can never take credit for anyone’s spiritual progression. The Lord has given me the opportunity to be his instrument, so He, the Lord, and his son Jesus Christ, will be able to help people with their spiritual progression. Again, just like Ammon, “I will boast of my God” because of how he has brought miracles to the people of Boston, and to the world. The only time I will be strong in my life is when the Lord has strengthened me.
I know this to be the true Church. I know. I know this church is true. Families are forever. I know that I will be able to be with my family forever. I know everyone has this opportunity, as long as we follow God’s commandments. I know Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God, and I know that knowledge will only get stronger. The Book of Mormon is true and has been prepared for us to help us know how to live a happy life forever. I know The Book of Mormon is true. The Priesthood has been restored to this earth. I cannot wait for the time I can have a family and a gospel centered home. To have a wife, who will make me a better person, and a family and home that radiates the truths of the gospel, such as eternal families, The Book of Mormon, and the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know this is the last thing I need to think about right now, but thinking about it brings me joy - and then as I see a mother and father on the streets of Revere, I instantly know what we need to do.
2 Years. Make it count.
Elder Tait.
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