General Conference was most divine. It is true. You just feel the truth of the Church knowing that millions of people are watching our Apostles and Prophet address us. The work here is going great. Mom, I love being a missionary. I love sharing the gospel. I love overcoming the fear of sharing the Gospel and being bold in sharing the truth. There will never be a day when I will not think of my mission. I need to give 100% and continue to use the atonement to make me a better man, and do the will of the Lord. Elder Anofils is great! I am actually getting the Haitian language down. It's pretty easy. He is hilarious! He loves Brigham Young. He loves his confidence and boldness. When I, or someone else, does something good he says, "Brigham Young would be proud of you." Or the other way round, "Brigham Young would expect more from you, my son". We get along great. We bike all the time. Together we have busted 3 bikes. I will send you pictures.
General conference was a phenomenal experience, and I was able to learn more about something I had been thinking about. It is a fundamental principle of life that when we have a plan, we understand and expect what is to come. Contrary to that, when we don't have a plan, we are not able to have a vision of what is to come.
Our Heavenly Father's plan for his children is complex if we attempt to comprehend it with our secular knowledge. Instead, if we are able to identify the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we will have the capacity to develop the faith to know that Heavenly Father has an individual plan for each of us to accomplish. This mortal experience is significantly miniscule. It is crucial for us to realize the sorrows that are occurring or will occur are only to be felt for a limited time, and only if we understand the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Sorrow is what allows us to understand the sacrifice our Savior made for us. Trials are impossible to avoid, but we can all choose what we will do with our trials. If we decide they will dictate how we live, and what we think, we will inevitably enter the dark trenches of despair and self-pity. Never, will any good come from allowing our trials to control us, but good can come if we allow them to build us and those around us.
When we successfully get through trials by using the Atonement, and helping those around us, we will understand more the beautiful simplicity of where we came from, and what we are here to do, and what we can expect after our mortal lives here on earth.
Remember what was said in Alma 7:11-12
" 11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."
I know Jesus Christ suffered pain so he could feel mercy and understand our pain. Please, let’s never forget this. If we understand the love and mercy our Savior has for us, we will be able to have a better perspective of his plan.
With Love,
Elder Tait.